Our Boating Tours

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Wildlife Tours

What to expect on a Wildlife Tour:

Embarking on a wildlife tour via boat along the St. Johns river is an immersion into nature's grand theater. The air hums with anticipation as the boat glides through the waters, surrounded by foliage & trees. The banks teem with life, from sunbathing alligators to elegant herons poised for their next catch. Manatees, with their gentle grace, may make a cameo appearance, while playful squirrels dart through the tall grass. The chorus of birdcalls creates a vibrant soundtrack, and the unmistakable splash of a pod of dolphins punctuates the symphony. It's a front-row seat to an ecosystem in perfect harmony, where every turn offers a glimpse into the wild heart of Florida.
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Sunset Cruises

What to expect on a Sunset Cruise:

Our sunset cruises focus on the beauty Florida has to offer at sunset. Boating on the calm waters at this time of day is a captivating experience you won't forget. The fading sun paints the sky with soft pastel hues, leaving a tranquil glow over the water's surface. Breathtaking photos of wildlife, a red & orange colored sky, & the surrounding landscape will be a fraction of what's to offer. The feeling of being one with nature and all it's beauty is yours to enjoy. The gentle lapping of waves against the hull provides a soothing soundtrack, as the world seems to slow down for a minute. The stillness of the water creates a mirror-like reflection at night, capturing the beauty of the surroundings in perfect symmetry.

Book your tour today!

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